To read the full report click here: Download Inspection report Dec 18
The quality and standards of the early years provision
Effectiveness of leadership and management Outstanding 1
Quality of teaching, learning and assessment Outstanding 1
Personal development, behaviour and welfare Outstanding 1
Outcomes for children Outstanding 1
Summary of key findings for parents
The provision is outstanding
Extremely skilled staff with very high expectations provide tailored support to ensure
children achieve their full potential. Staff skillfully teach children to persevere with tasks
and overcome challenges. For example, when a child is unsure what to do with an
activity, the adult calmly models and explains, enabling the child to succeed and
demonstrate the task to another child.
Children are incredibly independent in making choices, completing learning tasks, selfcare
routines and ensuring their environment is cared for. Staff impressively model,
encourage and support even the youngest children to take responsibility in managing
and caring for their environment, developing impressive life skills.
Children develop a unique understanding of the rich and diverse world through access
to real and exciting multicultural activities, resources and discussion built into daily
activities. They have ready access to costumes, role-play equipment, pictures and
books around the nursery showing different cultures.
Highly skilled staff model a range of highly effective strategies, such as providing
narrative, repeating, extending and questioning, to develop children's language and
communication skills. Children confidently talk about their ideas and experiences using
complex sentences and vocabulary.
The manager and staff have the highest expectations for themselves and every child.
Children make significant progress in all areas of learning and show increasingly high
levels of confidence and self-esteem.
Highly effective parent partnerships mean that parents are fully involved in their
children's learning. From the start, staff expertly support parents to share valuable
information about their children's care, learning and development. Parents comment
that they choose the nursery based on the calm and nurturing ethos.